Monday, 1 June 2015

Change a User's Primary E-mail Address

In the cloud-based service, user IDs are formatted like e-mail addresses. In Microsoft Live@edu, the user ID is a Microsoft ID.

A cloud-based user signs in to their mailbox using their user ID, and the user ID is also the user's e-mail address. There are occasions, however, when an administrator may want to change a user's e-mail address without affecting their user ID.

When would you want to do this? Suppose you manage the cloud-based organization for a large university that uses student identification numbers for the user ID, such as, but <first name>.<last name> for the e-mail address, such as The user Kim Akers receives mail sent to and, but is the primary "reply to" e-mail address on all messages sent from the mailbox.

You have to use Windows PowerShell to set the primary e-mail address. The user's primary e-mail address appears in the E-Mail Options section of the user's mailbox in the Exchange Control Panel, but you can't modify it there.

Note   To change the user ID and primary e-mail address to the same value at the same time, see Rename a User ID.

Change the primary e-mail address of an existing user

Run the following command:

Set-Mailbox <Identity> -EmailAddresses SMTP:<new primary e-mail address>,<user ID>,<existing proxy address 1>,<existing proxy address 2>...

For example, suppose your cloud-based organization and all the user IDs are in, and you have configured accepted domains and proxy addresses for all mailboxes in and You want to change the primary e-mail address of a user named Kim Akers, who has the user ID of, to You also want to keep the existing proxy addresses on the mailbox. To do this, run the following command:

Set-Mailbox -EmailAddresses,,,

You specify the primary e-mail address by using the case-sensitive qualifier, SMTP. If you don't specify SMTP, the first e-mail address becomes the primary e-mail address.

Change the primary e-mail address for many existing users by using a CSV file

To change the primary e-mail address of many existing users at one time, you must create and import information about the existing users by using a CSV file. The following procedure imports data from C:\My Documents\ChangeAddress.csv. The CSV file has the following format:


The column names in the first row of this CSV file, (UserID,NewAddress,Proxy1), are arbitrary. Whatever you use for column names, make sure you use the same column names in the Windows PowerShell command.

After you create the CSV file by using the existing user IDs, existing proxy e-mail addresses, and new primary e-mail addresses for the users you want to update, run the following commands:

$Users = Import-CSV "C:\My Documents\ChangeAddress.csv"

$Users | ForEach {Set-Mailbox $_.UserID -EmailAddresses $_.NewAddress,$_.UserID,$_.Proxy1}

Note   Because this procedure doesn't use the case-sensitive qualifier, SMTP, the first e-mail address that is specified for the EmailAddresses parameter becomes the primary e-mail address.


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